Stimulus Funding
Media Toolkit
The federal government is providing billions in COVID-19 relief funding to public schools across the country. Texas initially received $1.3 billion in federal stimulus funding intended for our schools in the spring of 2020. However, our schools did not see any additional money because Texas instead diverted these funds to fill other state budget holes.
Now, another $17.9 billion in federal funds promised to our schools hangs in the balance.
The state should not use federal stimulus dollars that were meant for education to fill other holes in the state budget. Please share on social media with #FundTxEdRecovery.

Design Your Own
Use the YELLOW CARD to tell about what costs you/your school/your district have had related to COVID-19 safety and prevention. Use the GREEN CARD to tell about what investments you would make in you/your school/your district with future federal stimulus funding.

We gave students a test…

Three-Legged Stool Day at the Capitol
We brought a giant six-foot stool to the Texas Capitol in order to make our message clear to lawmakers: #FundTxEdRecovery. Schools need the last “leg” of funding, the $17.9 billion of federal stimulus funds, to fully recover from the pandemic.
Questions Still Remain on Federal Stimulus Funding for Public Education
Proposals impacting the timing and method of distributing stimulus funds are still being debated.
ESSER Funding
More than 40 other states have already begun the process of distributing Round Two of the three rounds of federal stimulus funds. Now, it’s Texas’ turn. See which states have sent schools the money they are due. Also, see Texas districts’ plans on how they would spend these funds.

Spending of Texas’ Federal Stimulus Dollars for Education
Download our fact sheet.

Texans Agree Schools Need Support
Texans get it. They know that to recover from a crisis, public schools need more support, not less. Our 2021 Foundation Poll confirmed this, and the $19.1 billion of available federal stimulus funding could go a long way in jump-starting this recovery.

A Strong Texas Recovery Takes All Three
What is the most crucial leg of a stool? The one that is missing.
A strong Texas recovery starts with the recovery of our public schools. Right now, Texas has only secured two funding legs out of three desperately needed by our teachers and students. Billions of federal stimulus dollars intended to provide pandemic relief to our state’s public schools have not yet been committed to our schools.
Texas schools need a strong and solid foundation supported by all three legs — a foundation that must hold both our recovery, and our future. Because when our schools recover, our students recover. Our families recover. Our communities recover. Texas recovers.
Our students get it. Now legislators must act on it.