
Countdown to Being Counted

With just days until the 2020 Census deadline and a lot of other worries on their plates, school districts are scrambling to help get people counted By Max Rombado Policy Research Associate Raise Your...

Support a Strong Texas Recovery. Support Our Public Schools.

Our public schools are the cornerstone of our communities and in times of crisis, we turn to them. Our newly released video reminds us all of the sites and sounds we miss from our...

Capitol in Austin, TX

A Strong Texas Recovery Requires Strong Public Schools In the midst of crisis, schools are the hearts and hands of our communities. Now, we must support schools as they have supported us. We must stand together with our public schools, in...

Our Responsibility in Creating an Equitable, Just Future

Raise Your Hand Texas stands in solidarity with the Black community. George Floyd was killed, and allowed to be killed, because he was Black. Ahmaud Arbery was hunted down and killed, and allowed to...

Rising to the Challenge Stories

In times of uncertainty, stories can strengthen us. Stories can connect us. They inspire us. Let’s look back at Texas educators, school leaders, and students who have risen to challenges in their lives so...

Making Miracles Happen Through a Focus on Mental Health in Schools

“They do miracles here.” Charles Hall, parent of a 2019 graduate from Pearland ISD’s PACE Center, describes how his daughter went from failing every high school class to being on the honor roll and graduating...

Dan Rather speaks to a class at Heights High School in Houston, Texas

After 70 years, Dan Rather Returns to His Alma Mater, Heights High School in Houston, Texas.

Seventy years after graduating from Heights High School in the Houston Independent School District, legendary television anchor Dan Rather talks about the importance of public education with Emily Ramirez, the current valedictorian at the...

El Paso, we stand by you

Last winter we captured this photo on a site visit to El Paso. This cross sits at the top of the Franklin Mountains overlooking the city.  To us it represents the strength and beauty...

Statement on the Texas Legislature’s Passage of House Bill 3

Raise Your Hand Texas applauds the work of the 86th Texas Legislature in passing a comprehensive school finance bill without the threat of a court order. The $11.6 billion plan includes funding for full-day...

Capitol Update: May 17, 2019

Welcome to the 86th Legislative Session! The Capitol Update provides you with expert insight and analysis on legislative issues impacting Texas public school students and educators. In this month's Capitol Update, you'll find the...


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